10 things I though while watching "Z: The Beginning of Everything"


I went to Amazon searching for Downton Abbey and ended up binge-watching "Z: The Beginning of Everything" with Christina Ricci as Zelda, F. Scott Fitzgerald's wife and muse. Once I started, I couldn't stop. Here's a running list of my thoughts:

1) I know it's probably the accent, but doesn't Christina Ricci's Zelda remind you of Reese Witherspoon's June Carter? Maybe it's the proximity to male lead characters who struggle without them and without alcohol. Or the cheekbones.

2) I should reread "The Great Gatsby." Or read some of his other work.

3) Zelda's bored by the boys in Montgomery and unconvinced Scott will be able to support her. Isn't there a third option?

4) I CANNOT believe she spoke to her father like that.

5) Her wedding strikes me as really sad and empty. Is she faking all of her glee? Why does it take her sisters so long to say something at the after-party? (Reception is definitely the wrong word.) She definitely doesn't feel sorry for herself for long before she takes control of the situation (with public nudity.)

6) Gross. He stole her words and she's flattered.

7) How can F. Scott Fitzgerald afford this lifestyle? It's obvious he's living beyond his means but it's interesting how much his work criticizes the rich considering the lifestyle he leads. I suppose it's a safe way to attract readers: No matter how rich or poor you are, there's always someone richer or poorer.

8) Scott looks like an ass every time he discusses the place he thinks his writing will have in history, but ultimately, he was right.

9) Ugg. Why won't someone point out to Scott that his jealousy and possessiveness of Zelda's writing ability is a character flaw? Why won't she? She challenges him on several other fronts...

10) Maybe I should read her published work.

I'm surprised Amazon canceled the show's second season. I polished off the first in two days. You can watch it here.
