Introducing Anne Blakeney's Virtual Book Club
Years (and three addresses) ago, I belonged to an amazing book club whose members had been meeting for decades. Each month, the hostess got to pick the book (so long as it was available in paperback) and offered up wine and dessert during a fun discussion. Photo by Stefan Steinbauer on Unsplash I was the group's youngest member, but I enjoyed their perspectives -- and the personal stories that inevitably surfaced. I just haven't found a group like that since then. As I was trying to figure out how to make my author page more engaging and fun, I thought, Why not start a virtual book group? We can discuss the chosen book and author in a Facebook group ... and that way, no one has to worry about baking dessert or making it to a meeting. I'll pepper the club with some book giveaways (thanks to Amazon's giveaway function) and we'll vote as a group about the selections by the 15th of each month. I'll kick things off by suggesting we read Celeste Ng's ...